The Heat is Off?

September 2022
UPDATED 9/09/2022
Montana FWP will be conducting their Fall shocking of the Upper Madison on the following dates:
Pine Butte: September 8th, 9th, 12th and Septemper 19th - 21st.
Varney: September 14th - 16th and September 22nd, 23rd and 26th.
Break out your best chili recipe and dig out that down jacket, colder weather is here! As a side note, should chili have beans in it? Ponder that while you’re on the water ~ I digress. The fishing has picked up in terms of consistency over the course of this last week. Flows near Cameron have dropped to 1020 CFS, roughly 300 CFS lower than the measured historical median. Water temperatures are looking great. Most of last week fluctuated between 58°F and 67°F in regards to water temps, with last night dropping all the way to 51°F. Light rain is projected in this week's forecast, don’t forget your goretex. Be prepared for all types of weather!
Aquatic insect life is still slim at best. There have been a few good days on the dry fly this week, but nothing to write home about. Fall baetis are slowly arriving in the valley, as well as a plethora of dragonflies. Flying ants are still hanging around but most of my success with them has been in the evening. The streamer fishing has been improving by the day. Aggressive fish are responding well to the twitch of a streamer culminating in some epic streamer eats. Have some fun this week and laugh at your mistakes!
Nymphs: Quill Bomb Brown #16, Tungsten Jig SF-Olive #16, Tungsten Jiggy Micro May Red #18, Delektable Lil Spanker Red #16, TBH Jiggy Duracell Purple #14, Hot Spot PT Jig Chartreuse BL #14, The Imp Bl #14, Improved Wire Worm Red #10, Perdigon TBH Peacock #16.
Dry Flies: Thunder Thighs Hopper Yellow, Juicy Hopper Gold, Parachute Frankenhopper Gold #8, Royal Ant #14, Fat Angie Craven Cinnamon #16.
Streamers: Trevor Olive and Black, Silk Kitty Olive, Screamer White, Black Bugger, Mini Peanut Envy Black, Cousin It Sculpin Jig, Sculpinator Olive, Lil Kim Copper, Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow, Dolly Lama White/Olive.
Looking for some fly tying material to create these patterns? Check out our fly tying collection online or stop by the shop! As temperatures warm up, continue to practice your best fish handling techniques. Avoid fish pictures for the gram whenever possible so that we can continue to have healthy fish populations for years to come.
- MRFC Guide Danny Eiden