A Baetis Hiatus


UPDATED 10/03/2024 

The Madison Valley has been a true rollercoaster lately. Flows have been consistent at 1050 CFS with a few bumps at the Cameron gauge, and Kirby sits at 880 CFS. The mornings have started off crisp and chilly, while midday and afternoons have had summer-like temps. On the brighter-sunny days, I'm still finding fish looking up for hoppers and ants. On those overcast days that have been more prevalent, the streamer and nymph fishing has ramped up with many fish preparing for the colder days ahead.

The mix of fall conditions keeps fishing opportunities abundant, allowing for diverse tactics on the water. While trying to get the most out of the remaining warm sunny days, I’ve been throwing a tan or yellow Thunder Thighs  paired with a CDC Prince or Red Neck perdigon suspended below it. On the cloudier days, I’ve been focusing on smaller streamer’s such as the Mini Dolly lama, Sculpzilla, and Krystal bugger. I often find myself trailing those streamers with Olive Pat’s Rubber Legs, Pheasant Tails or Frenchies. There is still plenty of fishing to be had on the Madison River this fall!

As always our shop in downtown Ennis is stocked to the brim with flies so don't be afraid to swing by and check them out for yourself. Also feel free to swing by the shop for a more in-depth and up to date fishing report or general fishing advice. Just a reminder as well it is now barbless hooks only from Varney bridge to the Lake so pinch those barbs. Enjoy your time on the water this weekend and be safe out there!

Hot Flies:

Streamers: Krystal Bugger, Sculpzilla, Lil Kim, Sheila, Mini Dungeon, Peanut Envy, Trevor Sculpin, Mike's Sculpin, Karnopp's Space Invader.

Dry Flies: Thunder Grass Hopper Mcknight Goldenrod, CFO Mini Ant Brown, Edible Emerger Olive, Missing Link Caddis,

Nymphs: Pat's Rubber Legs Olive, Yellow Spots, TBH Jiggy Duracell Brown, Jig Formerly Known as Prince, Olsen's Hare's Ear Blowtorch, #4 Rubber Leg Black, #16 Gold Lightning Bug, Chartreuse French Dip, CDC Hustler.

- MRFC Guide Julio Mateo