Essential Gear
Madison River Fishing Co essential gear list makes sure you bring the right gear for the trip you are about to take. Rods and reels, leaders and tippet, outdoor gear, wading gear, polarized sunglasses, sunscreen, camera and a Montana Fishing License.
Frequently asked questions regarding guided fishing trips. Please feel free to call us at 406-682-4293 if you have any questions.
Madison Valley Activities
There are many Other Activities beside fly fishing in the Madison Valley. Rent an inflatable kayak or SUP (Stand Up Paddle-board) from Trout Stalkers.
Montana Fishing Licenses
A Montana fishing license can be purchased through The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks which has long been regarded as one of the best state run organizations in the country. Not only do they help maintain our fisheries, they do a lot to promote fly fishing in Montana. One of the ways the FWP achieves this is by providing licenses at a relatively affordable fee for the resident and resident Montana angler.
2024 Montana Fishing Regulations
Understanding the current Montana fishing regulations is an important part of being a responsible and conscious angler. Fly Fishing in Montana is one of the states largest outdoor recreation economies. We depend on it for the health of our tourism in Montana. Much of our success would not be possible without the efforts of the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.
Fishing Seasons
The Montana Fishing Season typically runs from about March 1st through about November 1st. These are the prime months for fly fishing in Montana, although we really fish year-round. Spring is a wonderful time around here. As temperatures start to warm and the days grow longer, we start seeing our first significant mayfly and caddis hatches. The fish haven't seen much pressure for many months and are ready to eat something besides midges!
Weather in Ennis, Montana
There is an old saying here in Montana that goes, "If you don't like the weather, wait 20 minutes." This couldn't be more true for the Madison River and Ennis, Montana weather.
Madison River Flows
The Madison River flows can vary day to day and season to season. Typically, the Madison River flows are at their highest during the spring runoff when the snow melts and water is rapidly released from Hebgen Dam and Ennis Lake. The length and severity of the spring runoff is determined by the snowpack each year. One thing for certain, fishing during the runoff does not suck. Don't be fooled by this misconception. The lowest flows on the Madison River are experienced in the late summer and dead of winter.
Ruby River Flows
Current Ruby River Flows from USGS Water Data
Shuttle Services
MRFC works closely with the best Madison River shuttle companies to provide our clients with a safe and reliable way to shuttle your rig down river. The cost of a shuttle service on the Madison River varies slightly depending on the location of your put-in and take-out. However the going rate is about $40/shuttle. We encourage you to book your shuttles the night before you fish as the demand for a shuttle becomes much higher during the hours of 9 am and 12pm. To book a shuttle you can always contact MRFC or stop by the shop to fill out a shuttle form.